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Hot Chocolate

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 Chocolate from Ireland: a special taste...

Irish Chocolate

Chocolate from Ireland: a special taste experience

Ireland is no longer only known for its beer, whiskey and tea. The Irish chocolate industry has also made a name for itself beyond the country's borders. Although Ireland may not yet be as well known as Switzerland or Belgium as a chocolate country, the Irish have the potential to do so. Because Irish chocolate is a taste experience in a class of its own. By this we don't just mean the creations in the form of sweet lambs or shamrock motif. Rather, it is the extraordinary taste experiences that give us Guinness, Butlers, Baileys and Co. Namely high-quality chocolate, rounded off with the finest ingredients such as orange, berries, honey and of course Irish whiskey. Whose mouth is not watering?

Irish chocolate is creative and extraordinary

Have you ever tried Butler's white chocolate with berry pieces? Or the refreshing Mint Crunch chocolate? The creation with almonds and oranges is also a sight to behold and, above all, to taste.
But not only the renowned company Butlers could convince with its Irish chocolate. Guinness has also recently gained a foothold in the chocolate industry. Because in the future you can not only drink your favourite beer, but also enjoy it as a fine note in dark chocolate or as a luxury fudge. Delicious, let's just say.
Not only Guinness convinces with the combination of chocolate and alcohol. Also the chocolates and truffle bars from Baileys are a special taste experience. But the Irish can also do without percentages: try the Kate Kearney chocolate with hazelnuts or caramel. You'll find that Ireland can definitely keep up when it comes to chocolate!

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